Our Services
At the core of everything we do at Springwood Financial Advisors is this key concept: All elements of your financial plan are highly interdependent. Investments affect taxes. Insurance affects estate planning. Paying for your kids’ college affects your retirement. Only when each piece is connected with every other piece does the picture become complete.
As you consider the services we provide, let’s start with the questions you may have about different aspects of money and investing. We will work with you to answer questions like those shown below (click to reveal), always identifying how decisions in one area directly impact your options and results in other areas.
- What kind of advisor(s) should I work with?
- Who can answer my questions across the full financial spectrum?
- Who can help me not just plan, but also fully implement the plan that’s right for me?
- Will I outlive my assets?
- Do I have enough to retire?
- How much can I spend in retirement?
- Should I change my investment strategy in retirement?
- When should I start taking Social Security?
- Does my current portfolio make sense for my financial situation and goals?
- Should I change my investments based on (fill in the blank with the latest financial or political headline)?
- My friend is doing this (fill in the blank with the latest trend) with his/her money. Should I do the same?
- How can I reduce my tax bill?
- How should I change my investments to reduce the drain of taxes?
- Am I taking full advantage of tax-deferred accounts?
- Are my investment advisor and CPA working together for my benefit?
- What is the best way to pay for my children’s college?
- I’d like to help my grandkids pay for college – what is the best way to do that?
- How will paying for kids’ college impact my own finances and retirement?
- Will my spouse/children/grandchildren be financially taken care of if something happens to me?
- What is the best way to ensure that my assets go to the people and causes I care about?
- How can I make sure my children are cared for if I am gone?
- Should I begin transferring assets to loved ones while I am still alive?
- Do I have too much/not enough insurance?
- I’ve had this policy forever, is it still right for me?
- Are there less expensive ways to secure the same financial effect?
- Should I be considering long-term care insurance or are there other ways to fund health care expenses later in life?
- What does my employer-provided retirement plan do for me?
- Do I hold too much stock in the company I work for?
- What should I do with these stock options?
- It’s benefit election time! What benefits should I select from my employer?
- Is the life insurance my employer provides adequate for my needs?
- We are considering offering a 401k plan to our employees. How would we get started?